Click on title to expand…….At the last meeting Mike Johnson paid tribute to Alan Jolley, who had died at the age of 84. He had been a member of the club for 15 years and was chairman last year.
Mike said Alan had qualified as a glider pilot when only 17 and came a pilot in the RAF in which he served for four years. After he left the RAF he started work as accountant and eventually came General Manager of a construction group. He became interested I motor sport especially rallying and became President of the Knutsford Motor Club. Members stood for a minute in silnce in memory of Alan
David Howard gave notice of the annual Christmas Walks in Tatton Park on December 6. The long walk will be led by David while the short walk will be led by Mike Johnson before they all meet up for lunch at Giovannis.
Richard Fenby gave details of the visit to Water’s Mass Spectrometry Plant in Wilmslow on February 12.
Jerry Bentley informed members of a proposed trip on the Heritage Steam tugboat “Danny” on August 5. The trip starts at the Anderson Lift car park and after a coach trip to Acton Bridge they will cruise on the Weaver Navigation to Sutton Weaver where they will pick up the return coach.
Dr Ernest Maxwell gave a talk “Nuclear Energy”. He had been involved in the electricity supply industry for 40 years from 1948 until the privatisation in 1988, He joined the Nuclear Plant Design Branch before becoming Reactor Fuelling and Development Manager for the north west regionof the CEGB