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29th September 2022 – Social Event – Walkers v Bowlers
The annual Autumn Walkers v Bowlers “Fun Day” was held at the Railway pub in Mobberley. The day consists of Rex members participating in a short walk around the Mobberley area, tucking into a splendid lunch at the pub and followed by a “friendly” bowling match on the Railway green. The format of the bowling was to pair a “bowler” with a “non-bowler” to enable the games to be more equal. I suppose it was a little predictable when the pair that won the competition, and taking home a bottle of wine each, were the only pair with two recognised bowlers, Roger Collins and Mike Cooper. This was a bit of a consolation for Bowls Captain Roger as he had suffered a humiliating defeat in the previous weeks club handicap. (He cannot take home a prize without that being mentioned.) In addition to a prize for the bowls winners a special trophy is awarded to the club member who is considered to have contributed most to the day. This year that accolade goes to member John Patterson who is shown in the photograph above receiving his award of the ‘Clear Cut’ trophy.
28th September 2022 – Bowls – Appleton Probus v Knutsford Rex Probus
Appleton play their home matches at the picturesque Great Budworth green which was in perfect condition and was in its splendor on a sunny day. Appleton Probus is historically a strong team, particularly at home, and this season was no exception. The match had Appleton leading at the half time break which was consolidated in the second period with the hosts coming out 70-57 winners. This was the last match of the season for Knutsford who had won 11 out of their 19 encounters.
22nd September 2022 – Club Meeting -Dr Ken Jones, who gave a talk entitled ‘Climate Change: A Contemporary Strategy for the UK’.
The Speaker voiced his opinion that the current strategy of wind turbines and nuclear reactors were far too expensive and would bankrupt the UK by 2050. Ken’s preferred solution was using Thorium reactors but was having little success in attracting the Government’s interest. A very lively discussion followed the talk.
21st September 2022 – Bowls – Club Individual Handicap
The annual club bowling handicap was played today at the Knutsford Bowling Club green.
The format of the competition paired bowlers over two games with the top four scorers going through to the semi finals.
This year the semis were played out by Roger Collins v John Newhouse and Ken Ackroyd v Terry Parkinson. The result of the semis saw Roger and Ken go through to the final.
The final however was hardly a classic as Ken Ackroyd took the title of Club Champion by winning every end. A man on form and a worthy champion.
Photo shows Ken receiving the trophy from Rex Club Chairman John Beaumont.
15th September 2022 – Walk – Swettenham Arms Circular
Seven walkers enjoyed a 3.5-mile circular walk from the Swettenham Arms before returning to the Inn for a good lunch.
8th September 2022 – Club Meeting – Speaker, Keith Warrender, who gave a talk entitled ‘Underground Manchester’.
Keith explained that many underground tunnels existed under Manchester principally for shelter during the 1939-1945 war, to protect against nuclear attack during the Cold War or for commercial reasons. The talk identified such structures under the CIS building, the old Granada Studios, Piccadilly Station, Mancunian Way, Victoria Station, Deansgate and Piccadilly Gardens. The talk was accompanied by many pictures of the tunnels.
7th September 2022 – Bowls – Knutsford Rex v Lymm Probus
You will have to go back a long time to when Rex last had a victory over Lymm Probus who always field a strong team of season bowlers. So with grit and determination the team walked on to the Knutsford Bowling Club green with the determination to put history behind them. It was obvious to the spectators that the games were close and for only one larger reversal Rex should have felt optimistic in pressing home for victory in the second half. So with equally close games the players settled to rest as the captains adjourned to the green hut to add the final scores. Oh dear, the game was not as close as expected and yet again Lymm showed their strength in taking a 96 – 76 victory. Oh well always next season.
1st September 2022 – Walk – Bunbury
A jolly crew ready for a pint at the Dysart Arms
Our walkers set out from Bunbury in glorious weather for a 5.5-mile circular walk with excellent views of Beeston and Peckforton Castles. The walkers were accompanied for part of the walk by two circling red kites. An enjoyable lunch was taken at the Dysart Arms, Bunbury.