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Friday 27th October 2023 – Trip to JCB factory and the Hack Green Nuclear Bunker.
This was a joint visit in partnership with Wilmslow Fulshaw Probus.
Thursday 26th October 2023 – Club Meeting – Speaker, Mr David Skillen, who gave a talk entitled ‘Giants in the Sky’.
David explained that the Zeppelin airships were named after Ferdinand von Zeppelin who, in 1861, visited Virginia at the height of the American Civil War and noted the use of hydrogen balloons. Ferdinand built the first Zeppelin in 1900 and the Germans used them extensively during the First World War for reconnaissance and in bombing England. These airships were huge and the Hindenburg Zeppelin was little smaller than the Titanic. The last Zeppelin flew in 1937 before crashing in flames. We will probably never see the like of them again.
Friday 20th October 2023 – Bridge and Supper Evening
A Bridge and Supper Evening was held at Knutsford Golf Club. Eighteen players attended from Rex and Tatton Probus together with Probus wives and widows. Graham and Maggie Parr won the prize for the highest score whilst Tatton Probus widows, Enid Farley and Tess Barnham, were equally successful in achieving the wooden spoon prize for the lowest score.
Thursday 19th October 2023 – Walk – Lower Peover
Todays walk commenced from the Bells of Peover in Lower Peover. Unfortunately due to several circumstances only two walkers, Jerry Bentley and David Howard made the trip who both had done the walk the previous week so, to make it more interesting, they completed the route anti-clockwise. A fine walk made more exciting by David being attacked by a goat. Jim Flett joined David and Jerry for a good lunch at the “Bells”.
Thursday 12th October 2023 – Golf – Annual Match versus Tatton and Plumley
The Annual Golf golf competition was held at Knutsford Golf Club. The Rex Probus team consisted of Neil Stott, David Hartshorn and Jack Coleman who quickly became known as the Rex Musketeers. Tatton Probus won the team prize but Knutsford Rex and Plumley Probus came in at joint second. Tatton Probus players came first and second for the individual prizes but Neil Stott came a very creditable third. The highlight of the competition was Jack Coleman scoring a 2 on the par 3 hole. Never in the 15 year history of the competition had this occurred before.
Thursday 12th October 2023 – Club Meeting – Speaker, Mr Dave Walmsey, who gave a talk entitled ‘The British Empire – A Good Thing?’
Dave informed the meeting that at its height the British Empire ruled 25% of the World’s population. In recent polling 44% were proud of Briton’s achievement whilst 21% regretted it and only 15% considered that colonised people were worse off as a result of British rule. Dave then sought to explain that the British Empire was a disaster through the use of well researched but very one-sided views on the wickedness of the British. A pity (in the writer’s view) that a more balanced treatise was not attempted.