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At the last meeting John Beaumont said that the Discussion Group had continued its probe into the NHS led by Peter Hayes, who was in charge of the Macclesfield NHS Trust for several years. Mr Beaumont added that the Club had a wide range of experienced people which helped make the meetings on the first Tuesday of each month most interesting.
At the last meeting of the Group they also discussed the question “Is it important to consider the character when looking for people to take on duties in public office ?”. Mr Beaumont added that the members were more in favour of assessing a person’s ability to do the job rather than assess their character.
Good news again from the Bowls team with wins – at home to Weaver Probus 110-94 and away to Macclesfield 2 bt 107-71. They have now won nine of their 14 matches this season, drawn one and lost four.
Jerry Bentley told the meeting that all was ready for the trip on the Heritage Steam Tugboat “Danny” on August 5. Members going were given full details of the trip.
The IT Section which meets before the bimonthly Club meeting discussed three topics at their meeting -(a) the forthcoming loss of Microsoft support for Windows 7 in January next year (b) do we still need defragment hard drives ? and (c) are analogue home security systems being overtaken by digital systems?
The speaker at the Club meeting was David Skillen and his topic “A few Appropriate Remarks -Lincoln at Gettysburg”. Abraham Lincoln’s famous address only lasted two minutes and contained only 271 words- now engraved in full at the Lincoln Memorial in Gettysburg and also at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. His brief speech followed a two hours address by Edward Everett , a famous speaker of the time.
Mr Skillen gave an interesting and informative talk on what preceded Gettysburg and what followed.
Any gentlemen interested in joining the Club should go to www.knutsfordrexprobus.