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Scott Martin’s Press Release

Great to be meeting up again!

Knutsford Rex Probus met at Mere & Tabley Community Club on Thursday 22nd July for its first in person meeting in seventeen months.  It was the first time in its 53 year history that regular meetings were not possible. There were 30 members present, with one attending on ZOOM.  The AGM preceded the regular meeting.  Club President Richard Fenby presided over the AGM which focussed on the accounts review and the appointment of officers, most of whom had agreed to serve an additional year to support Rex Probus in these difficult times.

Jim Flett, Chairman, opened the regular meeting by saying that he was delighted that members could meet in person but urged caution, in view of the ongoing Covid risks. Since October 2020 all of Rex Probus’s meetings have been held using ZOOM and activities including bowling, walking and golf have continued whilst complying with the varying restrictions in place from time to time. 

The Chairman noted with sadness that two members had died since March 2020 and noted that four members had moved away for family reasons. The Chairman and the President both referred to the membership drive and applications are invited from retired and semi-retired local applicants who are looking to join a friendly, active, and welcoming club where they can make many friends.

The Walking Group expects 20 walks in 2021 and the Bowling Group 21 fixtures plus regular practice each Monday afternoon for all standards including beginners  The annual Walkers’ and Bowlers’ event is taking place in September and a three day walking trip has been arranged for April 2022, based Windermere. The monthly Discussion Group and the IT Group will both revert from Zoom meetings to in person and the Golfers are playing two matches a month.  Bookings have been made for Bridge Supper evenings at Knutsford Golf Club in the winter period 2021-22.  The Committee is keen to reintroduce social events for members with wives and partners including dinners and lunches, theatre trips, single day outings and the annual six day holiday.  In 2019 there were 190 Rex Probus events, and the Committee would like to restore activities to that level in 2022.  

The speaker at the meeting was Hazel Griffiths; the subject was “South American Journey – a voyage to Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina”.  Hazel is a Destination Speaker on cruise ships, taking many of the photographs used in her excellent presentation.  Her talk focussed on a 41 day cruise voyage from a “cold” UK to South America in the height of summer visiting ports in the three countries with highs and lows and the unforgettable experience of attending the extraordinary Rio Carnival. 

The meeting was ended with a formal thank you to the speaker and a thank you to the Chairman, President, and officers for their work in keeping in contact with members during the restrictions imposed throughout the pandemic.

Potential members or anyone wishing to know more about our friendly club should contact the Secretary by email – [email protected]

Rex Probus Web Site –