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Thursday 19th December 2024 – Walk/Social – Christmas Walk in Tatton

The Rex Walking Group was split into 3 parts for the annual Christmas Walk with lunch. The photo is the depleted ‘Long Walk’ section at Tatton Hall before hiking back to town. The larger ‘Short Walk’ group seemingly spent the morning walking between Knutsford’s coffee shops with probably some licensed premises included along the way evidenced by the fact they completely forgot to take their group photo for this page!  The 3rd group comprised an unusually large portion of members who were absent due to Colds & Flu but despite that a  lunch followed where the convivial company was the best part!

Thursday 12th December 2024 – Club Meeting – Speaker, Les Pickford who gave a talk “Cartoons”

Les told the meeting about his career in education, particularly on the Art side and suggested most people gain from an interest in art based pastimes. 

On the subject of Cartoons, Les explained the name originated in the stained glass industry where initial drawings were used as templates for creating artistic church windows.  Following the fire which devastated the Palace of Westminster the government of the day wanted to put illustrations throughout the building to showcase life in that era but the Press and particularly Punch magazine lampooned some of the ideas and modern cartoons were born. 

Les then went onto his massive sketch pad and showed many examples of how very simple graphics gave mood and expression to the picture.  These were always embellished and characterised by his wonderful sense of humour.  But why do we think they are funny? Les showed how small details, often childlike, gave small clues to the story.  He pointed out how this reflected in modern culture by using these mood quips in many of our computer Emojees.  Les mentioned American artist Jimmy Swinnerton who specialised in sketches where he developed the amusing personification of animals through his drawings. To finish off, Les invited a few members to copy some simple instructions on A4 paper and proved how simple lines could form an interesting and meaningful picture.

Thursday 5th December 2024 – Walk – Lower Withington

The Walking Group set off from the Red Lion pub to take on the fields and stiles around Lower Withington.  It was a pleasurable morning with good company. A higher number of members than in recent weeks took to the walk and with other members joining the walkers at the Red Lion afterwards a thoroughly enjoyable trip for all.